Tuesday, December 18, 2012

What’s Up


news 12-18-12

  No big point to anything tonight, just a little catch-up on what’s going on with life these days.

  First, what’s not going on is the gift wrapping.  Even though I dug out the paper and scissors and tape and brought it all into the living room so I’d have to see it every day, still the only presents I’ve wrapped are the ones that had to be mailed.  I really should not put things off so long.  I’m pretty busy tomorrow, so I’m not pledging to get it started then, but Wednesday, for sure.

Image courtesy of renjith krishnan at FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Today Brian installed some sliding shelves in the kitchen to hold the pots and pans.  IMG_2135[1]I’ve been wanting those for so long, and I’m thrilled.  Since I’ve not been working, I think I’ve used the kitchen more this year than I have the entire time we’ve lived here, so that’s why we’ve finally been doing something about all the things that have been bugging me for so long.  Tomorrow I’m hoping for an extra shelf to be added to my pantry to give me a bit more usable space.  The way it is isn’t really all that efficient, especially considering I like to store my big roaster in there, and there’s just no good spot for it at all.

I’m also trying to do something mildly crafty involving tree branches from my yard and Christmas ornaments.  If it turns out okay, I’ll post some pictures later this week.  Heck, maybe I’ll post some pictures even if it doesn’t turn out.  It can always be used as a cautionary tale for others like me who get these ideas even knowing the artistic talent is minimal.

Tonight I went with my sister to watch some improv performed by the class my nephew is part of.  The kids seemed like they were having a good time putting on a show, and the adults got some laughs out of the deal.  Then the three of us went to dinner and had some conversation.  Taylor has become a somewhat recent fan of Doctor Who, so that gives me another reason to be a proud aunt. 

Tomorrow I’m spending the day with the PTK folks.  First we’re having our group party, which is a cookie baking party.  We’re pretty much taking the easy way out and starting with pre-made dough, but it’ll still be fun to get together and make funny shapes, see who can decorate them the best, talk, laugh, and eat more sugar than could possibly be good for anyone. 

After that, we’re going to a local mall to do some gift wrapping to benefit Habitat for Humanity.  Can you believe that?  Not a single gift under my own tree (well, except for a few I received in the mail from a friend), but I’ll be spending a few hours wrapping for others.  Not only that, but the reason I always put it off is because I don’t particularly like to wrap, and I’m really not particularly good at it.  I’m still trying to figure out how I ended up part of this gig.  And, I’m hoping there’ll be some sort of organizational job I can do that doesn’t really involve putting paper on packages. 

And that’ll take us to Wednesday, which will almost certainly be devoted to wrapping my own pesky gifts.  On the upside, I think all but two of my mail-order items have arrived now, and they have both already been shipped, so things are coming together nicely.  Then the rest of the week will just be the normal pre-holiday stuff:  food shopping, house cleaning, and maybe seeing some light displays and drinking hot chocolate, all in preparation for the big day.

And, speaking of the big day, the weather people today said there is a slight chance of snow on Christmas; wouldn’t that be swell? I’m keeping my fingers crossed.

So, that’s what’s going on with me; what’s happening in your world?