Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Shall We Play a Game?


No, not global thermonuclear war—something far less serious than that.  (For those of you too young to recognize the non sequitur, it’s from a movie, and you can watch the set-up scene here.)  At any rate, this is a blogging game, where writers tag in other writers and ask them to play along by answering a few questions.  Folks get to learn a bit more about each other in a fun and engaging way, and the tagged bloggers (if they choose to play along; no one’s holding a gun to their heads, or anything) get a post for the day.  Score.


                                                      Image Credit:  the|G| photostream


I was tagged in to the game by Hannah, at People Watch.  I’m glad she included me, because this does seem like a lot of fun, so, thank you, Hannah. 

Like every game, this one has rules:

  1. Post the rules
  2. Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post
  3. Create eleven new questions to ask the people you’ve tagged (or use the existing ones)
  4. Tag (eleven) people with a link to your post
  5. Let them know they’ve been tagged

So, for the questions.  Hannah gave us the option to use the same set of questions she answered, or a new set that she created.  I hope she won’t mind that I’m going to mix and match.

1.  What is the thing that makes you want to get out of bed each day?

I guess just the idea that you never know what’s waiting.  Sure, it might be the same old routine you’ve done hundreds of times before, but it also might be a once in a lifetime kind of day.  There’s just no way to know until you get out there and get started.

2.  If you were a brand (e.g. Apple, CocaCola, Virgin), what would you be?

No question, I’d be Disney.  Standing for fun, and family, and unrivaled customer service—that’s the brand I’d want to be.

3.  What do you tell yourself to get through painful, difficult, or challenging times?

There are a lot of clichés that I actually believe, things like “everything happens for a reason”, and “you’re never given more than you can handle”, etc.  But, mostly, I remember that I’ve been blessed with family and friends that love me, and I know that they’ll be there for me no matter what I might need.  You can get through just about anything with that kind of support.

4.  If an alien landed on earth, what would be your ‘top tip for living here’?

Share whatever special skills you’ve brought, but don’t show off.  Make friends when you can.  And remember that—no matter how advanced you are—we’ve got things to teach you, too.

5.  What is your favorite form of art and artist (anyone and anything you consider art qualifies)?

Music, though as for a favorite artist, that’s really hard.  I can’t remember a time I haven’t enjoyed listening to Billy Joel, so I guess I’d go with him. 

6.  If you were an animal, what would you be?

A cat.  Maybe a big lion, and maybe a fuzzy little house cat, but some kind of cat.  They’re smart, playful, inquisitive, independent, and they always know what they want.

7.  What childhood fable, fairytale, or movie stretched your imagination and sticks with you today?

Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory.  Be nice, do the right thing, take responsibility for your actions, and let good deeds be their own reward.  And always be grateful when even greater rewards come your way.  It’s a wonderful way to live.

8.  Do you have a special place, real or imagined, where you go to in your mind or reality to regroup, seek peace, or just be?

It’s an empty beach, at night.  The only sound is the rhythm of the waves, lapping on the shore and occasionally crashing against the rocks.  There’s a light breeze, carrying a faint sent of something sweet, like honeysuckle.  And up above, about a million stars in a cloudless sky.  I’ve been there a thousand times without ever leaving home. 

9.  What’s your happy song?

Like I said, I love music, so even sad songs can often cheer me up, weird as that may be. But a couple of really peppy tunes that always bring a smile are “Bad Day”, by Daniel Powter, and “Walking On Sunshine”, by Katrina and the Waves.

10.  Look around you at this moment and choose one thing to smile about or be thankful for. What is it?

My son.  He’s almost 21 and seems stuck in a phase where he has little current use for his mom and dad, but he’s still the best thing I’ve ever done.

11.  If you could do anything at this moment to make yourself happy, what would it be?

Locate and visit the physical version of my beach.


And for the questions I’m passing along to the next group, it’s a mixed bag, too.

  1. What is the thing that makes you want to get out of bed each day?
  2. If an alien landed on earth, what would be your ‘top tip for living here’?
  3. What’s your happy song?
  4. Do you have a special place, real or imagined, where you go to in your mind or reality to regroup, seek peace, or just be?
  5. What childhood fable, fairytale, or movie stretched your imagination and sticks with you today?
  6. What’s your idea of the perfect evening?
  7. As a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?
  8. What’s your favorite kind of movie?
  9. If you won the lottery, would you tell anyone?
  10. If you could visit anywhere in the world, where would it be?
  11. Do you believe in destiny?


And, lastly, the people I’m tagging into the game.  I’m including you because I’ve enjoyed reading your blog and I think it would be fun to know more about you.  But, keep in mind, this really is a game; it’s supposed to be fun.  That means if creating this post doesn’t fit in with your current topics, if you don’t have the time or energy to think it through right now, or if it simply isn’t your cup of tea, that’s okay.  This tag doesn’t come with any dire warnings about consequences for breaking the chain.  In other words:  tag, you’re it—but only if you want to be.

  1. Chelle, Treat Me to a Feast: Notes From My Abundant Life
  2. Angie, The Daily Hottentots
  3. Suzy, Someday Somewhere
  4. Jacqueline, Future Pull
  5. Ronda, Choice Life Strategies
  6. Cathy, Cathy’s Voice Now
  7. Athena, Athena Brady
  8. Caryn, Caryn’s Thoughts
  9. Harriet, Harriet Stack
  10. Holly, Aggravation Station
  11. Jen, Snapshots

Okay, that’s it, my entry into the blog tag game.  Thanks again, Hannah!