Wednesday, July 25, 2012

B is for Blogger Award


It’s ABC Wednesday again, and I was debating what to write about.  I’m new to this challenge, but it seems to me the participants are fairly evenly split between those who choose a theme for the entire alphabet round, and those who choose random topics each week.  For myself, I’m all about random, so that’s the route I decided to take.  But, that meant I needed to figure out something to write about today, and—if I do say so myself—I’d come up with a few pretty catchy ideas.  The boys in my life: Brian and Billy.  The birds in my backyard, including a recent bunting.  My BFF.  Branson, Mo, where BFF and I are planning a weekend in the next couple of months to celebrate my birthday.  Really, my mind was positively brimming with Bs.

But, sometimes, the best ideas for a post just pop up out of nowhere.  So it was this evening when I sat down at the computer and found that I’d been nominated for the Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award.  As you might have noticed, I am a blogger, and blog starts with the letter of the week, so . . .

Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award

I was honored with this award from Sara, at Recovery Corner.  I have to say (again) that meeting so many wonderful folks has been the absolute best part of participating in the Ultimate Blog Challenge. (Click on the badge over on the right side of the page if you’d like to know more about the UBC.)  Thank you, Sara, for making an already great experience even better with your kindness.

Sisterhood Rules:

1. Thank the giver

2. Post 7 things about yourself

3. Pass the award on to 7 other bloggers and let them know they’ve been nominated

4. Include the logo of the award in a post or on your blog

I think number one has been covered, but I also think you can never say “thank you” often enough, so, again, Sara, thank you for including me in this award.

And now, seven bits of information about me.  That’s pretty broad, huh?  Let’s see what we find out.

  • I’ve been a Star Trek fan as long as I can remember.  Not the kind that wears costumes at questionable times, or thinks Kirk and Spock are real, but a fan just the same.
  • Shelties are my favorite kind of dog.
  • Starting next month I’ll be attending college to become a paralegal.
  • I like to visit new places and be a tourist. And I’ve got the thousands of photos to prove it.
  • I like Broadway musicals; Camelot is my favorite.
  • A couple of friends and I co-authored an episode/viewer’s guide for the television show Hardcastle and McCormick.  (Blatant self-promotion:  find the book here.)
  • I don’t really like to fly, but a seaplane ride over the mountains and glaciers of Vancouver ranks as one of the coolest things I’ve ever done.

And now, the hard part: sharing the award with (only) seven other bloggers.   Of course, this is a Sisterhood award, so there’s a fair chunk of writers ineligible, but that still leaves an awful lot of fine folks to choose from.  For this round of sharing, I’m going to stick with only UBC participants, since I feel so fortunate to have found this amazing challenge, so I’m going to share the love there.  So, in no particular order, these are seven women who are writing blogs that have entertained me, or touched me, or spoken to me in some way.  I’d encourage you to stop by and check them out.

  1. Cathy, The Health Coach Group
  2. Melinda, Musings
  3. Danielle, Cloakeynotes
  4. Nikki, It’s Simply . . . Life
  5. Minette, by Design
  6. Sandi, An Average Woman in a Superwoman World
  7. Connie, Sunfire’s Ramblings

So, there you have it.  A blogger’s award, some background on me, and a bunch of other blogs so you can branch out a bit.  And, if you want to balance it all out, find a bucket full of Bs here.