So, it turns out I did not take a single photograph this week. Well, that’s not exactly true. Our DSLR currently sits permanently affixed to a tripod, pointed out the window in the direction of the bird feeder. I have snapped a few pics there, but nothing spectacular, and not even any new birds.
But, in terms of my pocket camera, the one that’s almost always with me, or my phone, which is always with me, nothing. Not a single frame. That’s really unusual. Typically something catches my eye at least every couple of days or so. But not this week. Or, more accurately, nothing caught my eye when it was possible for me to take a photo. One day, I did see a group of hawks circling over an area that I assumed had some sort of meal opportunity, but I would’ve had to stop right in the middle of the road to capture it, and I was already running late for school, so it was kind of a no-win situation. Other than that, nothing that even made me pause to consider a snapshot.
But, over on Facebook, I do see quite a few photos every day. I mean, besides fuzzy baby animals and Grumpy Cat. Some of the ones I see are from one of my bloggy friends, Candy. One of her shots won some recognition on a photo site contest recently; you can see it here. Since it was a bird , you know I liked it!
Also, I saw a beautiful picture from a page called 999,999,999 People. They credit this photo to a woman named Emily Stauring, and if this is the kind of work she does, I’d like to see more. My instinct is this did not come directly from the camera this way; I’d assume there is some post-processing involved. But I’m not one of those purists who gets upset by that sort of thing. It’s still a creation of art, and this is gorgeous.
Okay, had to take a short break for a quick Google search; turns out Ms. Stauring has an online shop, and you can own your very own print of this lovely photo starting at $27.00. Tempting.
Maybe during this week of a break from classes, I’ll get outside and get back to snapping a few pictures of my own, even though it seems the weather people were right about the return to cooler temperatures. Of course, my pictures won’t look like this one, but I love to see these sorts of shots to serve as inspiration. And, even though I have a lot of homework to do this week, I still need to have a little bit of fun, right?