Saturday, June 20, 2009

Finally the weekend, and things are looking up (Feb. 11, 2006)

First, I should clarify that my current work schedule includes split days off, so “weekend” for me typically begins Saturday evening around six, and ends abruptly around four-thirty or five Monday morning when I drag myself out of bed to do it all again. But, I took half a day off today so that I could drop in on my nephew’s seventh birthday party, (the kid one) then later this evening, the family all got together and went to dinner to celebrate in a more grown-up fashion.

You know, sometimes life just gets into a mind-numbing routine, nothing more than a grind, and you can really start to feel beat down by the everyday annoyances. I’ve been there for a week or so now, just in a funk. But, there is very little that’s better for re-centering than an evening with family at the local casual dining establishment, laughing over the stupidest things, probably making far too much noise, and watching a child happily putting together his newest Lego creation.

So, the weekend is now in full swing. I’ve got just over twenty-four hours of freedom. I might sleep in just a bit tomorrow, we’re planning a visit to Borders, maybe I’ll manage to get some writing done, and, I’m anxiously counting down the days until the release of Season One of Hardcastle and McCormick on DVD. (the 14th, for those who don’t know). So, yeah, everything definitely looks better on the weekend. I’m gonna enjoy it while I can.