Good evening, everyone; I hope you all had a pleasant weekend. Mine went along pretty smoothly, and I even got a pretty decent night’s sleep last night. Nine hours, and only one crazy dream awakening. (Homicidal Sheldon Cooper, anyone?) But I’m still gonna try for a sleep-in tomorrow; twelve straight hours sounds pretty darn good.
And so that I may get that long night of sleep started soon, let’s see what this week’s photo prompts were all about. Thanks to Chantelle at Fat Mum Slim for the ideas every day.
Prompt: Something you saw. Brian and I went for a walk around the neighborhood to take in the sunshine. I like seeing the moon in the daylight, especially when it’s hiding in the branches of semi-creepy trees.
Prompt: What you do. First, let me say that something I’ve discovered over the past year is how much I dislike the question, “what do you do?”. As a non-working person, I’m never quite sure how to answer. But, that aside, one of the things I’m trying to do regularly these days is exercise. On this particular day, it was Wii boxing.
Prompt: Corner. A bracket on one of my photo shelves.
Prompt: Electric. Inside my toaster.
Prompt: Stripes. Our old-school speakers have a decorative faceplate.
Prompt: Landscape. Well, see, I was sitting at the computer, with the day well over, when I realized I hadn’t remembered to take my daily picture yet. Can’t get the more traditional landscape photo in the dark, but I can snap a pic of a document layout option. It’s all about finding a way to make the prompt work, right?
Prompt: Together. Does anything go together better than brownies and milk? I think not.
I notice that almost all of my pictures lately are just the normal things I see around my house. I need to start being more aware when I’m out and about so I can branch out a little bit.
All righty, then, I think that’s it for this week. I’m off to bed, and wish you all sweet dreams and a wonderful new week.