Happy Sunday (actually, most certainly Monday by the time I hit publish) to you all. It’s been kind of a busy week, starting with football last weekend. Then the week days were filled with quite a bit of school work and chores/errands, followed by a brief trip to the state fair on Friday night to see Air Supply in concert, and then yesterday, a trip to a local casino with my sister, Tanya, to see a Hall & Oates show. Fun times all around.
But, Sunday means it’s time for another photo roundup, so let’s get started on that, shall we? As always, I’ll start with the daily photo challenge pictures, with prompts provided by Chantelle over at Fat Mum Slim.
Prompt: Something you do most weekends. Every weekend of late—and almost certainly every weekend for quite a while to come—involves homework.
Prompt: Black and white. Not much to say about this one; it’s my yard, and I liked the ray of sun peeking through the trees.
Prompt: Hero. A bit of a cheat, since I don’t think I even took this picture, and certainly not recently. But, my mom was my hero my whole life, so who else was I going to use?
Prompt: Together. I roll my socks together; how about you?
Prompt: Table. Looking at the table in front of mine at school. Truth be told, I don’t like this picture. My plan had been to use the library table while we were working together on a group project, but the work wasn’t going exactly according to plan, which made the photo completely slip my mind. So, next class was the next best thing.
Prompt: Favorite. These cinnamon rolls are my very favorite fair food. They are big, gooey, and absolutely delicious. And, you can watch them make them in that window right up front. (But don’t do that if you’re trying to kid yourself about the calories in the things; hard to ignore the multiple sticks of butter and immeasurable sugar in each batch!)
Prompt: First thing you see. Maybe this was supposed to be the first thing you see in the morning, but it didn’t say so. And, besides, I didn’t look at the prompt list until later in the day. But this is the first thing you see when you sit down to wait for Hall & Oates to perform.
And, now, for a few random pics, though mostly from the concerts . . .
Air Supply
My standard fair meal. (The cinnamon roll is dessert!) Please forgive my crazy, frizzy hair!
My sister, Tanya, as we were waiting in line for H&O.
Hall and Oates, with my crappy phone pictures. (Stupid casino wouldn’t let me use my real camera, as apparently anything with interchangeable lenses is considered “professional”, and not allowed in. Boo.)
And, just playing around some more on B&W day, and snapped some pics of cats. They’re all shades of gray, anyway, so they fit right in with the theme. Left to right, they are: Tiny, Sable, Sable & Tiny, Mel.
That’s what my week looked like; what about yours?