Sunday, May 11, 2014

Snapshot Sunday, Mother’s Day Edition


It’s Mother’s Day, and as every year for the past couple of decades, I miss my mama.  This year, I also miss my grandma.  And ever since the year he moved to California—even though he returned shortly thereafter—I have spent Mother’s Day away from my son, so I’m missing him, too.  Not to be all caught up in a pity party, but it’s really starting to bother me that a day that’s supposed to be a special celebration for me always leaves me sad and crying. 

On the upside, Brian and I went up to my office today and did a bit of housekeeping, since I’ve changed offices and haven’t had a chance to move my stuff.  And after that, we went for dinner at Ted’s, which I may have mentioned before is my favorite restaurant ever.  I appreciate that Brian indulges me, even though he’s not fond of the place.

But, this is Snapshot Sunday, so here are some photos of the two ladies who were always there for me as I was growing up, and beyond. 

Mother's Day Collage